Message from the “Training & Placement Manager”,Haldia Institute of Technology……..
Mr.Susmit Maity
I heartily welcome all my pass-out students to the Alumni Association of Haldia Institute of Technology. I believe most of the HITans have positioned themselves in different capacities in organizations of repute.My best wishes for sealing new heights in your careers.
I want to congratulate The Alumni Association for taking such an initiative to create the networking among the alumni and the students.I also want to thank the alumni association for introducing the official Linkedin Group to build up the professional network .This will definitely help to increase the placement strength as well as much more opportunities.
On behalf of The Training & Placement Cell,I would like to appeal you all to put forward your support in giving a proper shape to the careers of our would be alumni..A lead/link of your past/current organization for placing our fresh engineers,definitely will benefit us in their careers. Expecting a NOT NULL participation to strengthen ourselves. Suggestions,advices,links,proposals,updates may be send through —-e mail— ,, Contact – 9475819628
Join the Official Linkedin Group of The Alumni Association of Haldia Institute of Technology : – N:B-Click on the Linkedin Logo above,you will be redirect to the Linkedin Official page…..